Registration & Fees

See below for information on registration and rates including early-bird and standard rates.

Registrant TypeEarly Bird (Expires 8/30/2024)Standard
Jurisdiction Member$600$800
Federal, Local Govt & Cat 1 Member$700$900
Associate Cat 2 Member$850$1,400

*Guests do not include persons in the same organization. To register a guest, please contact us and include the name of the conference, and the first name and last name of the guest you wish to register. We will add your guest to your conference registration and email you an invoice that can be paid online. 

We have a 1-day registration rate available for jurisdiction members. Please contact us to receive the 1-day registration rate and indicate if you will be attending Tuesday, 9/24, Wednesday, 9/25, or on Thursday 9/26.

Refunds and Cancellation

A processing fee of $100 will be charged for cancellations made by Monday, August 26, 2024. There will be no refunds for cancellations made after August 26, 2024. Refunds will not be provided for registrants who do not attend the conference. Notice of cancellation must be made by contacting us.

Opt-Out of Receiving Communications

When you register for an AAMVA conference, your contact information is shared with our exhibitors and sponsors. A limited number of sponsoring and exhibiting companies send communications to registered attendees. If you would like to opt-out of receiving communications, please contact AAMVA Events and indicate the conference you are attending with a message that you would like to opt-out of receiving communications.