Program & Schedule

Schedule at a Glance

  • Monday, May 12 - Region 2 Board of Directors Meeting; exhibitor move-in; Administrators’ Dinner (jurisdiction administrators, session leads, and sponsors only)
  • Tuesday, May 13 - Opening ceremonies and Region 2 Annual Membership Meeting; Jurisdiction Highlights and Innovation; QuickConnect; law enforcement immersive experience; sessions on innovative customer service, and ignition interlock reciprocity; safety protocols for micro-mobility, and ending human trafficking. President’s Welcome Reception; Exhibit Hall open

  • Wednesday, May 14 - AAMVA: Yeah, We Do That!; peer-to-peer discussions; sessions on data management and a comprehensive discussion of license plates; afternoon networking

  • Thursday, May 15 - Sessions on electronic titling, identity management, customer service disruptions, system modernization, recruitment and retention, impaired driving, NRVC/REAL ID/S2S, electronic vehicles, artificial intelligence, and fraud trends. Special events include the Traditional Past Presidents' Breakfast, Awards Luncheon, and the Florida State Reception and Banquet 

    Full schedules for each day of the event are available below.

Monday, May 12

Tuesday, May 13

Wednesday, May 14

Thursday, May 15