Social Security Online Verification (SSOLV) Service

The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) allows jurisdiction motor vehicle agencies (MVAs) to verify SSNs interactively using the Social Security Number Online Verification (SSOLV) transaction. Online support allows a jurisdiction to immediately verify an individual's SSN during the driver's license issuance or renewal process, while an applicant is still at a motor vehicle agency (MVA) service center counter. 

Note: SSA only verifies information transmitted by an MVA (that is, whether or not the MVA information did or did not match the SSA information); it does not disclose other data.

For the on-boarding package, documentation, or more information, please contact us below.


Click on the map graphic to view Jurisdictions who participate in SSOLV.

For more specific participation information, please visit here (available to jurisdiction and federal members only).

Scheduled Maintenance

For when scheduled maintenance on SSOLV will occur, please visit here.


All rates are effective through September 30 and are subject to change thereafter with 30-days prior written notice.


SSOLV documentation is available below to jurisdiction and federal members only.

file - 04/03/2021

SSOLV REST Specification 2.2

Provides jurisdictions with the description of the REST interface option of SSOLV. These web services use REST JSON messages.
Jurisdiction & Federal Members

file - 05/05/2020

SSOLV & HAVV AMIE Specification 2.1

Provides jurisdictions with the description of the AMIE interface option for SSOLV.
Jurisdiction & Federal Members

file - 02/05/2020

SSOLV & HAVV NIEM Specification 2.2

Provides jurisdictions with the description of the NIEM interface option of SSOLV. These web services use SOAP XML messages.
Jurisdiction & Federal Members

file - 01/01/2003

Social Security Number Verification Best Practice

Provides best practices for verifying Social Security Numbers. 
Jurisdiction & Federal Members

file - 01/01/0001

Technical Systems Security Requirements

Provides jurisdictions with the SSA security requirements for using the SSOLV application. 
Jurisdiction & Federal Members

For questions or more information about SSOLV, please contact Technology Systems.

Contact Us