Robin Rehborg was named the deputy director for driver safety for the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) in 2019. Robin oversees Driver License, Motor Vehicle, Highway Safety office, State Fleet and Aviation Services. Robin joined the NDDOT in 2006 and worked in many capacities including fleet manager, fleet operations manager, workplace investigation team lead, and interim driver license director. She obtained her Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) designation in 2012. She served as State Fleet Services division director for seven years. Prior to joining the DOT, she was the general manager of Southeast Propane LLC, in Gwinner, North Dakota. Robin has been active in several associations including the AAMVA, currently serving as Region 3 Vice President, WTS International, National Conference of State Fleet Administrators, NAFA Fleet Management Association and the Government Fleet Magazine Advisory board. Robin is a graduate of Moorhead State University and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Robin and her husband, Tom, live in Mandan and have two grown daughters and one granddaughter.