Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Please note that the Jurisdiction Roundtable is only open to jurisdiction members.
7:30 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Traditional Past Presidents' Breakfast
All attendees are invited to join us for a sit-down breakfast honoring Past Presidents of Region 3.
9:10 am - 10:30 am
Navigating the Road Ahead – Managing Major Milestones
In this conference session, attendees will delve into essential strategies for preparing their organizations for upcoming milestones. The agenda includes discussions on insights from TSA on the REAL ID deadline, as well as critical topics ranging from compliance mandates to technological transitions and handling challenging scenarios. Topics will include S2S/DHR, EEE, DACH and NR2.
Identity Management – Past, Present & Future
Join our panel of experts to discuss the road so far, what's changing, and what's coming in the world of physical credentials, mobile driver's licenses, and the Digital Trust Service.
Putting the Brakes on Motorcycle Fatalities
NHTSA data show motorcycle fatalities account for 15% of all traffic fatalities, up from 14% previously. Join us to discuss and learn about strategies and NHTSA programs your jurisdiction can use to put the brakes on, and put a stop to motorcycle fatalities. You will also hear what other member jurisdictions are experiencing and what they are doing to mitigate the problem.
10:30 am - 10:45 am
Networking Break
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Electronic Vehicle Titling and Vehicle Records Management – Case Studies and Roadmap to the Future
This discussion will provide an opportunity to engage with a jurisdiction and stakeholder who will share examples of how they are eliminating paper in portions of the vehicle titling and vehicle record management process. Panelists will share steps they took in their research, why they proceeded with the projects they did, and lessons learned. Attendees will also hear an update about the AAMVA proof of concept for an electronic interstate exchange of vehicle title ownership and the AAMVA electronic titling toolkit to assist jurisdictions in their path toward full electronic vehicle titling and vehicle records management.
Meeting the Challenges of Large-Scale Mutual Aid/Security Events
Hear lessons learned from the Kansas City 2024 Superbowl celebration, the 2024 Republican National Convention as well as planning for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. Large scale mutual aid events present unique challenges in preparing for protests, responding to violent acts, and foreign language communication.
Rural Community Efforts
An estimated 20% of people in the U.S. live in rural areas and 40% of traffic deaths occur on rural roads. Transportation challenges such as higher speed limits and less lighting are among other factors can pose unique challenges to drivers. Join us to hear what jurisdictions are doing to reduce fatalities in rural communities, changing risky behavior, specific outreach to populations and other rural community safety efforts.
12:00 pm - 1:30 am
Awards Luncheon
Join us for a luncheon that recognizes excellence in the motor vehicle and law enforcement community by honoring individuals, teams, and organizations as AAMVA award winners from Region 3. There will also be a special presentation from our partners at Donate Life America.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Peer-To-Peer Roundtable Discussions
Join your peers for topic-specific, open discussions, and small group conversations. Driver, vehicle, and law enforcement topics will be highlighted. This session will have a topic for everyone!
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Networking Break
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Do you know what’s under the hood?
Imagine a 10-year-old car with a clean title coming to your office for registration. Now imagine that car has a brand new (stolen) Dodge Hellcat engine under the hood. How do we identify that fraud at the counter? Hear from the Missouri State Highway Patrol about fraudulent, stolen, “high-end” vehicles, and how their parts end up in vehicles your customers might buy, and what your staff should be looking for. Learn how this fraud impacts your title process, customers, and numerous other industry partners.
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Jurisdiction Roundtable
Jurisdiction members only
Join us for an open floor discussion on all things driver, vehicle, and law enforcement, with a focus on policy topics not otherwise covered in the agenda. Converse with your Region 3 peers on topics such as inmate credential assistance, data privacy and cyber concerns, recruitment and retention of employees, drug impaired driving, disabled parking programs, license plates, REAL ID marketing, and many more.