CDLIS Reports

User Guide

The CDLIS Reports User Guide (available to jurisdiction and federal members only) provides state driver licensing agencies (SDLAs) with summary and detailed information about the use of CDLIS reports to:

  • Achieve and maintain compliance with federally-mandated requirements per the CDL program
  • Monitor suspicious activity which may indicate potential fraudulent actions

 The primary audience for this document is SDLA staff responsible for:

  • Monitoring the SDLA's compliance with federal-mandated timeliness and data quality requirements
  • Researching specific recurring issues contributing to non-compliance to determine root cause and resolutions
  • Monitoring suspicious activities related to the use of CDLIS transactions to identify potentially fraudulent activity

Report Matrix

The CDLIS report matrix (available to jurisdiction and federal members only) serves as a quick reference for all the CDLIS reports. The report matrix contains the purpose, distribution frequency, availability, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation (FMCSR) pertaining to each report. The matrix allows filtering of columns for ease of use. See below to view samples of each report. To generate a report, access the SPEXS Web UI.

View the jurisdictions who are participating in the next generation CDLIS reports for CD90.7.4 Out-of-State Convictions and Withdrawals Posting Report and CD90.7.7 Selective Driver History Validation Report (both available to jurisdiction and federal members only).


CDLIS reports training is offered through our learning management system. 

To generate a report, access the SPEXS WebUI Reporting Portal.

CDLIS Sample Reports

Below is a list of sample reports. 

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CD90.6.2 User Transaction Error (Rate) Statistics Report

The User Transaction Error Rate Report conveys, for the selected jurisdiction, information about transactions for which errors were encountered, along with the associated error rates at the Central Site.

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CD31 9_1 Detail

The CD31 9_1 Detail Report contains information from the process execution including mismatches, errors, and anomalies.

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CD31 Broken Pointer Report

The CD31 Broken Pointer Report is derived using the CD31 9_1 Detail results (listed above), for each identified ‘broken pointer’, all Central Site MPR data is provided.

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CD90.6.1 User Transactions Error (Detail) Statistics Report

The User Transaction Error (Detail) Statistics Report conveys, for the selected jurisdiction, information about user errors encountered at the Central Site when validating content of a message received, resulting in that message being returned to its originator in error. 

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CD90.3.8 EEE Large CDLIS Driver History Report

CD90.3.8 EEE Large CDLIS Driver History Report

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CD90.3.1 Driver Suspense Report

The Driver Suspense Report conveys information about pointers that are in ‘suspense’ (pointers unable to complete the intended proceed with processing for 96 hours or longer and are in jeopardy of exceeding the 10-day federal requirement for resolution) either due to a duplicate status or pending...

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CD90.3.3 Turnaround Interval Report

The Turnaround Interval Report conveys information about multiple CSOR transaction requests for the same individual.

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CD90.2.1 Common Validation Exception Detail Report

The Common Validation Exception Detail Report conveys information about validation errors encountered on Driver History Record (DHR) provided by the state-of-record (SOR).

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CD31 Missing Pointer Report

This report is designed to assist the State of Record (SOR) to correct the missing pointers identified during the CD31 run.

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CD90.7.10 Outstanding Out-of-State Convictions & Withdrawals Posting Report

CDLIS Reports: CD90.7.10 Outstanding Out-of-State Convictions & Withdrawals Posting Report

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CD90.7.9 Potential Disqualification Report

The Potential Disqualification Report supports road safety by checking if a commercial driver has been disqualified when the driver receives an out-of-state conviction (OOSC) for a major or serious offense.  

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CD90.3.4 Jurisdictional Activity Report

The Jurisdictional Activity Report conveys consolidated message information on Add Pointer, Change Pointer, Delete Pointer, Change State of Record (CSOR) and Notice of Issuance transactions.

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CD90.7.2 MPR Summary Report

The MPR Summary Report conveys summary information about the CDLIS Master Pointer Records (MPRs) added, updated, or deleted for a jurisdiction acting as a SOR.

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CD90.7.4 Out of State Convictions and Withdrawals Posting Report

The CD90.7.4 Out-of-State Convictions and Withdrawals Posting Report conveys information about convictions and withdrawals received by a state or record (SOR) electronically via CDLIS but were not posted within the federally mandated 10 days.

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CD90.7.7 Selective Driver History Record (DHR) Validation Report

The CD90.7.7 Selective Driver History Record (DHR) Validation Report conveys information about missing and incorrect data in the DHR.

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CD90.4.3 Disqualifying Convictions Received

The Disqualifying Convictions Received report conveys information about successful Report Out-of-State Conviction transactions reported by the state of conviction and are mapped to federally mandated disqualifications.

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CD90.4.4 Disqualifying Convictions Rejected

The Disqualifying Convictions Rejected Report conveys information about Report Out-of-State Conviction transactions that have been returned in error either by the Central Site or the state of record (SOR) and have been mapped to federally mandated disqualifications.

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CD90.3.6 Suspense Resolve Report

The Suspense Resolve Report conveys information about master pointer records (MPR) put in suspense and were resolved subsequently either due to a duplicate status or pending Change State of Record (CSOR) transaction.

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CD90.3.7 Frequent Inquiry Report

The Frequent Inquiry Report conveys information about drivers for whom multiple jurisdictions performed identical inquiries.

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CD90.4.1 Out of State Transactions Report

The Out of State Transaction Report conveys information about Report Out-of-State Conviction, Report Out-of-State Withdrawal, Negate Out-of-State Conviction and Negate Out-of-State Withdrawal transactions sent by a state of conviction (SOC) or a state of withdrawal (SOW) via CDLIS.

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CD90.5.7 Medical Certification Posting Status Report

The Medical Certificate Posting Report conveys information about drivers with missing Medical Examiner’s Certificate information.

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Timeliness and Accuracy Workbook

The Timeliness and Accuracy Workbook assists jurisdictions in monitoring their compliance against FMCSRs pertaining to timeliness of out of state conviction/withdrawal transactions, CSOR transactions and data quality of CDLIS driver history record.

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CD31 9_2 Summary

The CD319_2 Summary Report contains summary information from the execution of the Master Pointer Record (MPR) Data Quality Validation and Verification (CD31) process.

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CD90.7.6 CDLIS Quarterly Open Problem Ticket

The CD90.7.6 CDLIS Quarterly Open Problem Ticket Report conveys information about open CDLIS problem tickets for a jurisdiction.

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CD90.7.1 Master Pointer File Extract

The Master Pointer File Extract provides jurisdictions the ability to request a copy of master pointer record (MPR) data stored at the Central Site where the requesting jurisdiction is the current state of record (SOR) as of a scheduled extraction date and time.

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CD90.5.3 SDLA Inquiries Check Report

The SDLA Inquiries Check Report conveys information about Add Driver and Change State of Record (CSOR) transactions submitted by individual jurisdictions where there is no matching inquiry within the previous 11 days of the Add Driver or CSOR transaction.

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CD90.5.6 Medical Recordkeeping Report

The Medical Recordkeeping Summary Report conveys information about the validation errors captured by the Common Validation processor (CVP) where the medical examiner certificate information is missing on the DHR.

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CD90.1.1 Authorization Exceptions Report

The Authorization Exceptions Report conveys information about transaction authorization errors that occurred at application level.

To request a CDLIS report, please contact CDLIS Reports.

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