For Issuing Authorities

AAMVA encourages North American issuing authorities that are either currently issuing or contemplating implementing mDLs to consider participating in the mDL Digital Trust Service (DTS). Staff subject matter experts are available to consult with and discuss the benefits of DTS and pathways to participation.

Participation in the mDL DTS is open to all issuing authorities. Issuing authorities that choose to participate must adhere to the ISO 18013-5 standard and the AAMVA Mobile Driver’s Licenses Implementation Guidelines, Version 1.4 (guidelines). The standard and guidelines focus on protecting individuals' identity data and securing the device-to-device interactions through which personal information is shared. The required specifications are outlined in the DTS Participation Application which are derived from the standard and guidelines. Once approved by the Identity Management Steering Committee, AAMVA will retrieve issuing authorities' public keys securely and will publish them to the DTS Verified Issuer Certificate Authority List (VICAL).  

AAMVA uses secure methods of obtaining and updating the public key certificates of participating issuing authorities to minimize the risk that invalid keys may be presented into the system. All elements of the DTS are protected using industry standard security technologies and protocols.

For a high-level summary on DTS and its benefits, see this document.


Minimally Viable Product Participation

The MVP is a means through which technologies, operations, and concepts will be tested; it is not intended to serve in a full-scale production capacity. System availability may fluctuate as improvements and adjustments are made. While the public keys used within the system will be live, secure, and trustworthy, the infrastructure has been built just for the MVP. The findings from the MVP will inform plans for any future expansion. 

To obtain a copy of the DTS Participation Application, please complete the DTS Application Request below and an AAMVA subject matter expert will get in touch to help you through the process.

To learn more about the DTS and how it can benefit your agency, or to request assistance in validating your public key certificate prior to inclusion in the DTS, please contact the Identity Management Team and provide your contact information in the message box of the contact us form.


To learn more about mobile driver's licenses, please visit our topic page. To find events, education, and resources about mobile driver's licenses, please visit our Explorer page.

Key mobile driver's license documentation and resources include:

mDL Implementation and Digital Trust Service Participation


For questions or more information about the mDL Digital Trust Service, please contact us below.

Contact Us