State-to-State (S2S) Subcommittee

The State-to-State (S2S) Subcommittee is a group of states formed by the State-to-State & Driver License Compact Executive Committee (S2S DLCEC) to provide guidance and recommendations to the S2S DLCEC on improvements, enhancements, and changes related to the S2S Verification Service application and its use. The subcommittee addresses known limitations, prioritizes enhancement needs, and identifies opportunities for improving the application and associated operational procedures and best practices.

The S2S Subcommittee is comprised of jurisdictional representatives. Each representative is tasked with communicating information discussed by the S2S Subcommittee. See below for representative designations.

S2S MemberState/RegionCurrent States They RepresentFuture States They Represent
Robert KellerNH/R1MAME, VT
Steven DietrickMD/R1DECT, DC
Whitney MortonGA/R2MIAL, SC
Kristle BevinsVA/R2NCFL, TX, WV
Cyndi KalpacAR/R2TN, LAOK, KY
Melissa LechnerIN/R3IA, OHIL
Kate MathesonMO/R3KS, ND, SDNA
Cara SchamunWI/R3MN, NE, MINA
Patrick McJannetMT/R4UT, AK, NMNV
Esmah VansotWA/R4OR, IDCA
Debbie JonesWY/R4AZ, COHI

For a list of members who are currently serving on the S2S Subcommittee, please visit the members-only directory.

For open volunteer positions on this or other groups, visit here.

For more information about the S2S Subcommittee and its activities, please contact the project manager below.

Staff Project Manager

Jessica Ross

Program Director, Driver Programs & Services