Schedule at a Glance
We are happy to announce several schedule changes to this year’s conference. Some of the great changes include an open afternoon to allow attendees more opportunities to network. Also, new this year, an open evening to allow sponsors the ability to engage with their customers. We hope these changes will allow for positive interaction and engaging sessions.
- Monday, June 23: Region 1 Board of Directors Meeting, exhibitor move-in, Administrators’ Dinner (invitation only)
- Tuesday, June 24: Exhibit Hall opens, Opening Session & Membership Meeting, QuickConnect, full day of sessions, Welcome Reception and Charity Event; breakfast, lunch and light reception food provided
- Wednesday, June 25: AAMVA: Yeah, We Do That!, peer-to-peer discussions; afternoon networking
- Thursday, June 26: Traditional Past Presidents’ Breakfast, Awards Luncheon, full day of sessions, Region 1 Reception and Banquet; breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
Follow the links below to view a full schedule for each day.