8:00 am - 12:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:45 am
8:00 am - 9:15 am
General Session
AAMVA: Yeah, We Do That!
Learn about the programs and services AAMVA offers to members, including best practices, conferences, education, information access, legislative support, technology systems, and more. New attendees are encouraged to attend and become oriented to AAMVA. Breakfast will be available in the room.
9:30 am - 10:45 am
Concurrent Sessions
Breaking Down Silos: Leveraging Safety Stakeholder Partnerships
Using the example of e-citation and record accuracy, this panel will focus on how jurisdictions can work with safety partners from the courts to law enforcement and their local highway safety offices on important and emerging 'big picture' issues. Attendees will engage in an e-citation brainstorming activity and leave the session with a list of contacts from their jurisdiction.
Optimizing Contact Center Operations for Enhanced Customer Experience
Explore key components of a modern contact center, focusing on practical tools and strategies to improve efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and optimize team performance.
Calling All Faces!
We want to hear from you! Join AAMVA’s identity team for this interactive listening session on Facial Recognition (FR). FR is a way of identifying or confirming an individual's identity using their face. FR systems can help prevent and detect fraud, enhance business integrity, and be used as a risk mitigation tool by issuing authorities. Come share your thoughts on potential changes and enhancements that can be considered as a part of the next version of AAMVA’s Facial Recognition (FR) Program Best Practices Guide. The guide offers a comprehensive overview of the technology, including guidance on implementing and maintaining a successful FR program, addressing operational requirements, and outlining considerations for outreach, education, staff training, and privacy. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to contribute!
Legal Services Town Hall
Participate in a roundtable discussion on the common legal and legislative issues facing the motor vehicle community. This interactive session will provide attendees with the opportunity to share and learn about unique and emerging trends that cross jurisdictional lines.
10:45am - 11:00 am
Transition Break
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Training
This session will provide legal services attendees with the opportunity to fulfill the ethics and professional responsibility components of their Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits. A working lunch will be provided.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
MVA Operations Peer-to-Peer Roundtable
Jurisdiction, Federal, and Local Government members only
Join colleagues for topic-specific discussions and small group conversations.
Vehicle Peer-to-Peer Roundtable
Jurisdiction, Federal, and Local Government members only
Join colleagues for topic-specific discussions and small group conversations.
Driver and Identity Management Peer-to-Peer Roundtable
Jurisdiction, Federal, and Local Government members only
Join colleagues for topic-specific discussions and small group conversations. The most popular Driver and Identity Management topics from the day prior will be included.
Law Enforcement Peer-to-Peer Roundtable
Jurisdiction, Federal, and Local Government members only
Join colleagues for topic-specific discussions and small group conversations.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
From Online Fraud to Fake Titling Documents: Combatting Fraud Trends
Title washing has been a persistent issue for motor vehicle administrators (MVAs), and the emergence of fraudulent Manufacturer Certificates of Origin (MCO) has added to the complexity of identifying counterfeits. Attendees will hear about the current fraud trends identified by MVA investigators during AAMVA’s monthly fraud awareness calls and how some jurisdictions are addressing them. You will also be provided with an overview of the recently published AAMVA white paper titled, Preventing, Detecting and Investigating Cyber-Digital Fraud.
Harnessing Data Analytics: Predictive Insights, Intelligent Scheduling and Problem Determination
In today’s data-driven world, agencies are increasingly turning to advanced data analytics to drive smarter decision-making. This session explores the practical use and application of data analytics to learn how data-driven scheduling solutions can enhance resource allocation, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.
Combatting Impaired Driving
Hear about how THC green labs are administered in Ohio. Then learn about the Oral Fluid Testing Implementation Guidelines recently published by the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (NASID).
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Transition Break
2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
No Card Left Behind
Join us to learn about the 2025 version of AAMVA’s DL/ID Card Design Standard (CDS) which focuses on ensuring the privacy of the cardholder and on keeping human and machine-readable information consistent. With extensive input from jurisdiction members and industry partners, the new version also includes several other enhancements and necessary changes throughout. But wait, we're not finished yet… the CDS Subcommittee is working with Department of Homeland Security’s Investigations Lab (HSI) on physical document security to include modernizing AAMVA’s Design Principles and Guidelines for Secure DL/ID Cards (SCDP). Don’t miss this opportunity to join us for this interactive session and share your thoughts on what topics, content, and enhancements could be considered for the new document.
Employee Safety and Security Working Group: Listening Session
AAMVA has created the new Employee Safety and Security Working Group to focus on MVA safety and security concerns. This session provides opportunities for attendees to suggest areas that the working group should focus on. Areas may include First Amendment auditors, active shooter training, etc. Join us to share your input with the team to maximize the value of their work for your organization.
Keeping Up To Speed with Vehicle Automation and Technology
Vehicle automation and advanced technology are intended to make vehicles and roadways safe while also providing convenience features to vehicle occupants. How valuable are these features if vehicle operators don’t know how to use them or don’t understand what purpose these features serve? As vehicle automation and technology improve, educating vehicle operators about the usage and limitations of these systems becomes increasingly vital and difficult. This session will look at study findings on educational materials available today, identify where gaps exist, and suggest options for continued knowledge growth.