The Importance of Electronic Titling & Vehicle Records Management
Paper titles are susceptible to alterations and counterfeiting, and the physical handling and processing of them may impact the timeliness of which vehicle transactions may occur. Managing and maintaining paper title records can be a burden on stakeholders responsible for them, as well as if a paper title record exists, the motor vehicle agency title record may or may not reflect the same information as on the paper record. Find out more about the challenges, enhancements, and stakeholder impact related to electronic titling.
Electronic Titling Assessment
Electronic titling depends on a number of capabilities that must be present in each jurisdiction. Every jurisdiction will move forward from a different starting point. This assessment tool focuses on the capabilities necessary for electronic titling. The assessment tool will allow each jurisdiction to evaluate its current state, plan a path forward, and communicate priorities and needs to interested parties and leadership. Learn more here.
Electronic Titling Modernization Resources
AAMVA has collected and prepared a variety of resources to help jurisdictions identify and address areas of needed enhancements. These resources provide best practices, legislative issues, electronic titling websites, vendor information, available standards, and implementation considerations.
Resources currently available are:
- ELT (Electronic Lien & Title)
- Electronic Vehicle Registration/Electronic Registration and Title (EVR/ERT)
- National Motor Vehicle Title Information Management System (NMVTIS)
- Vehicle Management System
- Customer Portal
- Customer Identity Management
- Dealer Transfers
Use Cases
AAMVA has identified eight primary use case categories that provide a framework for assessing a jurisdiction’s resources for electronic titling and offer a foundation for expanding these resources by leveraging the Toolkits.
- Dealer Trade/Reassignment
- Dealer Title/Register New Vehicle
- Dealer Title/Register Used Vehicle
- Private Party Title/Register a Vehicle
- Management of the Lien
- In-state Title Transfer
- Out-of-state Title Transfer
- Management of the Vehicle Record
Supporting Stakeholders
AAMVA knows that paper titles are an integral part of many business processes and used by many stakeholders. As the initiative to implement electronic titles moves forward, AAMVA will be looking to address and protect the needs of these stakeholders – and this is considered a critical success factor for electronic vehicle titling and vehicle records management.
Owners (users of vehicles):
- Private vehicle owner
- Business vehicle owner
- Fleet operators
- Rental companies
Government and Processors (oversee and manage):
- Motor vehicle agencies
- Local tax authorities
- Law enforcement
- Federal agencies
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- Tag and title service providers
- System and solution vendors
- Data requestor courts
Industry (create, transfer, repair, destroy physical vehicle):
- Vehicle manufacturers
- Dealers
- Auction houses
- Salvage operators
- Vehicle service and repair operators
Finance and Insurance Industry (no-touch facilitators):
- Leasing companies
- Inventory financers
- Consumer financing/lienholders
- Insurance companies
- ELT clearinghouses