Electronic Titling Assessment

ELTAssessment-(1).jpgEach Jurisdiction will need to implement a strategy to retire paper titles and manual vehicle record management processes. AAMVA has developed an assessment tool to help jurisdictions evaluate their current state and develop a plan for moving forward.

Electronic Titling and Vehicle Records Management requires that each jurisdiction implement a range of capabilities within their jurisdiction to participate in a national interoperable electronic titling program. Each of these capabilities can be partially implemented as a starting point but will need to be completely implemented to achieve full electronic titling capabilities and to allow for interstate interoperable transfer of vehicle ownership.

In each area, jurisdictions must assess and address their capabilities. The following is an introduction to expectations in each area. 

Electronic Lien and Title

  • Mandated for all lenders of every size
  • Includes all lien actions – add/remove/amend
  • Legislation does not require printing paper title

Electronic Registration and Title

  • Mandated – new car dealers
  • Mandated – used car dealers
  • Mandated – all third-party agents: tag and title services, AAA, fleet management services
  • Support for electronic signatures and electronic information exchange
  • Electronic title legislation


  • Real-time NMVTIS inquiry prior to transactions
  • Real-time NMVTIS updates upon title issuance
  • Providing of lien information and updates 
  • Regular data synchronization
  • Timely duplicate VIN and suspended title records resolution

Vehicle Management System

  • Link title to customer record
  • Support multiple owner records per title
  • VIN decoding and other tools to manage data quality
  • Standard vehicle codes (i.e., make, model, body type)
  • Clean translation of unique brand codes
  • Duplicate VIN management
  • Duplicate customer management
  • Compatibility with AAMVA D20 Data Dictionary

Customer Portal

  • Owner can view vehicle information
  • Owner can manage vehicle information
  • Public service to confirm title
  • Customer can sell/transfer vehicle
  • Customer can buy/accept vehicle

Customer Identity Management 

  • Verifiable customer record for all owners
  • Legal name and address of owner
  • IAL2 compliant authentication

Electronic Dealer Transfers

AAMVA’s goal is to support an interoperable process for electronic dealer title transactions and reassignment of dealer ownership that does not occur on paper and takes place within the standard motor vehicle agency system.  Jurisdictions should consider:

  • Plan for eliminating paper dealer reassignments
  • Assessment of legislation and regulations regarding electronic dealer wholesale titles that may be transacted within the standard motor vehicle agency system