Jurisdiction Electronic Vehicle Titling Initiatives
Many motor vehicle agencies have done significant work in implementing elements and processes of electronic vehicle titling. This work ranges from working with legislators and stakeholders to develop laws and rules to allow for electronic titling, to creating RFIs and RFPs to research and implement elements of electronic titling, and to promoting these products and services on agency websites. AAMVA has documented these efforts to assist all motor vehicle agencies and stakeholders in maximizing their research efforts so they can learn what has taken place within AAMVA membership for development and implementation of electronic vehicle titling. For more information or to provide updates to any of this information, please contact Paul Steier.
Laws and Rules
For electronic vehicle titling elements and full implementation to be developed, jurisdiction laws and/or rules may need to be created or updated to grant authority to provide these services. AAMVA has developed a record of publicly available laws and rules prescribing the development and implementation of electronic vehicle tilting elements and processes. This information can be used by motor vehicle agencies and stakeholders to craft specific legislation and rules to meet their jurisdiction’s needs. Click the button below to view a current list of applicable laws and rules related to electronic vehicle tilting.
Applicable E-titling Laws & Rules
RFIs and RFPs
Before motor vehicle agencies begin development of electronic vehicle titling systems and processes, they may need to submit a request for information (RFI) or request for proposal (RFP) to gain information and insight, along with financial estimates. AAMVA has compiled a list of publicly available RFIs and RFPs to assist other agencies and stakeholders in their research. Click the button below for a current list of related RFIs and RFPs.
Public Websites
Motor vehicle agencies that have implemented elements of electronic vehicle titling or provide partial electronic vehicle titling transfer of ownership, promote these resources through their agency websites. Resource material contained in these websites explain the use of these resources and provides the public and stakeholders with the necessary information for access and implementation. Motor vehicle agencies and stakeholders are encouraged to review these websites to gather information on how to inform their customers of available resources within their jurisdiction. Click the button below for a current list of jurisdiction public websites for electronic vehicle tilting.