National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Code Manual

The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Vehicle Code Manual is available in two formats, as a PDF and as an Excel worksheet. These Manuals are updated quarterly around the second week of the following months; January, April, July, and October. Make sure to use the most current version.  

If you don’t see the specific Make of vehicle attempting to be titled, check the VIN through the NHTSA Decoder program to determine if the manufacturer has been authorized through NHTSA to assign VINs. If there is no record of the manufacturer in the NHTSA Decoder program, do not title the vehicle and refer the customer to the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin page for information on becoming an authorized vehicle manufacturer. If the vehicle is in the NHTSA Decoder program but the Make is not in the NCIC Vehicle Code Manual, send an email to Paul Steier, AAMVA’s Director of Vehicle Programs, with a request for a new Make code.

Please see below to access the NCIC Code Manual (as of December 31, 2024).

PDF for Authorized Users

The information contained in this document is intended for use by AAMVA jurisdictional members only and the information contained herein shall only be accessed and used for legitimate business purposes. Unauthorized access or use of this information is prohibited.

Confidentiality: As protected information, this document and its content may not be reproduced, redistributed, or published without the specific authorization. Please contact us for that authorization.

Official Use Only

Excel for Authorized Users

The information contained in this document is intended for use by AAMVA jurisdictional members only and the information contained herein shall only be accessed and used for legitimate business purposes. Unauthorized access or use of this information is prohibited.

Confidentiality: As protected information, this document and its content may not be reproduced, redistributed, or published without the specific authorization. Please contact us for that authorization.

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