Vehicle Committee

AAMVA’s Vehicle Committee provides oversight and governance in the development of standards, technical solutions, best practices, guidelines, and other initiatives that enhance vehicle and roadway safety, prevent vehicle theft and fraud, and promote consumer protection and provides oversight and guidance to various program and IT systems, working groups, and subcommittees.

This newly-formed committee is comprised of the following positions:

  • Region 1 representative
  • Region 2 representative
  • Region 3 representative
  • Region 4 representative
  • At large representatives (4) from U.S./Canada
  • Legal representative

For a list of members who are currently serving on the ACD Subcommittee, please visit the members-only directory.

For more information about the Vehicle Committee and its activities, please contact the staff project manager below. 

Staff Project Manager

Pamela Dsa

Vice President, Vehicle Programs & Services